Thursday, 4 April 2013

Life as we know it...

Hi everyone...

Sorry I've been so absent, I've been very busy with so much things going on left, right & centre! I hope you're all doing well...
I'm in my last semester and about to graduate so I'm extremely busy with assignments so if you don't hear from me as much then please bear with me!

I want to share something I came across known as Want Worthy which is basically a website where you can store all the lovely things you want to buy online until pay-day or until it's back in stock. It can be clothes, accessories, shoes, home  deco, beauty products ... basically as long as it comes from a website you purchase stuff, you can basically save it on want worthy.
Another great thing about want worthy, you can save stuff in different categories which you assign such as fashion, classic, holiday, wedding and so on... this allows you to know which items you need to prioritize in terms of upcoming events.

I have managed to save a few pieces I love and some pieces I want for my holiday as well as my graduation. Oh by the way you can add me as a friend and view my items, my profile like is: .... 

Check it out and let me know what you think!
